Route setting | Corporation in the United States and/or other | ||
The process of determining the ideal route to a | countries. | ||
specific location; route setting is done auto- |
matically by the system when you specify a |
destination. |
Set route |
The route marked out by the system to your |
destination. It is highlighted on the map. |
Title |
| |
abling recording of multiple movies on a sin- |
gle disc. If, for example, one disc contains |
three separate movies, they are divided into |
title 1, title 2 and title 3. This lets you enjoy the |
convenience of title search and other func- |
tions. |
Tracking |
| Appendix | |
Dots on the map indicating the route you have |
| ||
| |
traveled. |
VBR is short for variable bit rate. Generally |
speaking CBR (constant bit rate) is more |
widely used. But by flexibly adjusting the bit |
rate according to the needs of the audio com- |
pression, it is possible to achieve compression |
with a priority on sound quality. |
Voice guidance |
The giving of directions by a recorded voice in |
guidance mode. |
Way Point |
A location that you choose to visit before your |
destination; a journey can be built up from |
multiple way points and the destination. |
WMA is short for Windows Media™ Audio |
and refers to an audio compression technol- |
ogy that is developed by Microsoft |
Corporation. |
WMA data can be encoded by using Windows |
Media Player version 7 or later. |
Windows Media and the Windows logo are tra- |
demarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft |
| En 185 |