MODE COM2 : 9600,N,8, l,p

will set up COM2 to run at 9600 baud, with no parity, a data length of 8 bits, and 1 stop bit (an MS-DOS byte- terminating convention). The ‘p’ indicates that the printer will continually try to re-transmit data, should an error occur.

Setting up a Windows computer

Double-click the Control Panel icon in the Main win- dow.

Double-click the Printers icon


Make sure that LC24-300 C

is selected in the

hstaUed Printers list.


Click on Connect


Click on the serial port (COMn) to which the serial- to-parallel converter is connected.

Click OK to return to the Printers window.

Click Close to return to the Con@ol PaneZwindow.

Double-click on Ports. The Ports dialog box appears.

Click on the name of the port to which the serial-to- parallel converter is connected.

Click on Settings.

For each setting (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Paritg, Stop Bits and Flow ControZ(protocol)) select the appropri- ate setting from the pull-down menu (alternatively, you can fie in your selections directly).

Click OK to return to the Ports window.

Click Close to return to the ControZPanel window.


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Star Micronics LC24-300 user manual HstaUed Printers list