B t | eo | n e M | ee p a s n | i | n |
Pitch and font lock have been selected
Two shorter tonestogether. See “Pitch and font lock” on page 46.
The release lever has been moved while
Intermittent tonethe fanfold paper is not parked. See “Park- ing paper” on page 31.
Checking system software settings
In Windows
If you cannot print from your Windows application, there are three things that you can check. You may also wish to refer to the Microso$ Windows User’s Guide.
Firstly, check that the printer has been set as the
Default Printer.
Click on | in the list of installed |
printers. |
Make sure that Set As Default Printer is checked. If it is not, click on the check box, and try printing from your application again.
Click on Close to return to the Control Panel win- dow.
Secondly, check that the printer is correctly selected in your application.
●Select Print from the application’s File menu. A dia- log box appears listing available printers.
Make sure that
it is not, click on it and try printing again.
Thirdly, check that the correct port is selected.