
Tektronix Service Offerings

Tektronix provides service to cover repair under warranty as well as other services that provide a cost-effective answer to your service needs.

Whether providing warranty repair service or any of the other services listed below, Tektronix service technicians are well trained service professionals. They have access to the latest information on improvements to the AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator as well as new options.

Warranty Repair Service Tektronix warrants this product for one year from date of purchase. The warranty appears at the front of this manual. Tektronix technicians provide warranty service at most Tektronix service locations. The Tektronix product catalog lists all worldwide service locations.

Self Service Tektronix supports repair to the module level by providing Module Exchange.

Module Exchange. This service reduces downtime for repair by allowing you to exchange most modules for remanufactured ones. Each module comes with a 90-day service warranty.

For More Information. Contact your local Tektronix service center or sales engineer for more information on any of the repair or adjustment services just described.


AWG710 Service Manual