144 | Symphony Pro User Manual |
process generates details for another cashier, it forces the report to start a new printed page. Page 1 forces the page number for that report section to be numbered starting at one.
5.8Report SQL Editor
Modifying Symphony Pro Report SQL Code
The Symphony Pro reports use a combination of proprietary commands and SQL code to generate the queries that extract information from the database tables for reporting. The report properties include a .sql file and combines it with a report template file that controls how the report will actually appear.
NOTE: This help document explains the Report SQL Editor tool, not how to program report queries or other Symphony Pro or SQL related commands.
!!WARNING!! The SQL editor should only be used by programmers. Tampering with or editing the SQL code within report files may damage them, causing system errors when launched. Consult your Authorized TEC Dealer if you have special reporting needs.
Once a report file has been selected from the Report Selection tool, right clicking it opens a menu. The Property option opens a panel that contains the report's configuration. The name of the command file for the report is entered in the "Sql file" properties field. To the right of the sql file name, the "Ed" button opens the Report Editor, displaying the Symphony Pro proprietary commands along with the SQL code required to extract the data for the report.
This example shows the cashier report in the Report SQL Editor.