Symphony Pro User Manual
Entry: Any process that involves manual data entry, for inventory operations or other management related processes, such as cashier loans or pickups.
Event: A process or task set to run automatically at a
Execute: Run a command file, utility or program, perform a process.
Flag: An indicator or attribute, used by the system to identify a process or item status.
Front End: The portion of the store where sales transactions are performed. The points of sale (POS).
HALO: Highest Allowable Limit Override, function used to allow sales over the programmed limit, often manager required security level protected.
Inbox: A physical disk location (folder) where information is received as a file when "deployed"; a target.
Key Protection: A physical device used to protect from illegal use of the software, copies, number of stations (lanes) etc. The key is installed on one system station and runs a special program that allows access to registered modules.
Key Reader: The program that runs on the machine in the system that physically hosts the software protection key.
Launch: Start a process, execute a command file.
Loans: The in drawer amounts used to begin a cashier's shift.
LQD: Limited quantity discount, or the maximum number of an item a customer can purchase and still get the discount. Often used to limit special deals.
MailSlot: The technology used to communicate information directly through the network.
Margin: The profit an item generates, expressed as a percentage of the selling price.
Markup: A percentage of the cost added to the cost to obtain a selling price.
Operator: Any system user, including cashiers, clerks, managers, programmers. Operators are linked with a security level to establish system access rights.
Outbox: A physical disk location (folder) where information is placed as a file when "deployed", ready to be sent to a target.
Paradox: A common relational database format, normally used for smaller installations where there is less data. Larger installations that require multiple user access and contain large amounts of data usually use MSSQL type databases.
PDT: Portable Data Terminal, a hand held device used to collect item information for modification.
Pickups: The act of removing amounts from a cashier's drawer, normally when the in drawer amounts exceed the highest allowable limits for that tender type.
PLU: Price Look Up, the same as "item" or UPC, a unique number used to identify a single product.
Polling: The communication process between front and back end terminals, normally used in relation