Report System
NOTE: Some of the report types relate to specific modules and will not produce reports unless the module is registered for your installation.
·Batches - Reports associated with price and promo batch
·Cashiers - For balancing cashiers and viewing cashier statistics.
·Clients - If you use the accounts receivables or preferred customer module, these reports include account statements, account aging and other statistical reports.
·Department - sales reports summarized by department totals.
·ECL Programming - Displays items that have been associated with the ECL tab in PLU maintenance.
·Financial - reports for store balancing, periodic financials for accounting
·Inventory - includes several types of product lists useful for justfying inventory levels,on hand amounts, and stock evaluation totals.
·Labels - allows printing different label types with various product information. Labels are often customized by the reseller to fit specific needs. The existing label templates were designed to print on standard label stock such as Avery 5160, 5260, 5159, etc.
·List - for example: system operators, or PLUs by vendor. These reports are lists only, and do not show amounts.
·Others - Contains a few reports for tracking various information such as gift certificate status, rental, layaway status and hourly movement (The TEC ECR must be configured to use hourly reports).
·PLU sales - Item movement totals with various sort and selection criteria.