Form Manager
"Configuration" menu's "Metric" option. Enter the correct values for label width, height, the gaps and margins. You can either click the field and enter the number, or with the cursor in the field to modify, use the up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the value.
Page Setting: This option is used to establish the size of the page being produced by the current template. The measure used (inches or centimeters), depends on the template's rulers, set using the "Configuration" menu's "Metric" option.
This example shows the Form Manager's page setup
Some reports contain repeating lines of the same information, based on a changing field, for example item or PLU sales. Each line is a report "record" that includes the same information for each line. The "Records" menu allows you to define a repeating report line's contents.
Create the item record: Select this option to create a repeating line "box" (area) to define the individual item fields that will appear in each line. Once selected, you must point and click somewhere within the template. After the record box is created, you can move it or
Create a new tender record: Tender records are used to define the template area that will display tender amounts by type. Similar to the item record, the tender record will repeat for every tender type with an amount in the report.
Use SQL Mask: This option controls which fields appear in the "Field" selection drop down list tool. Selecting this option opens a file browser, allowing you to select the .sql command file to use. The "Select field" list will contain only the SIL fields found within that command file.
Set default font: Opens the font option panel, allowing you to establish the default font for the form or template. Label objects and field results will be displayed with the default font unless you specifically change the object's font using the right click menu "font" option. In other words, you can set the default font, then use variations where required.
Show position ruler: The position ruler displays a position marker above the horizontal and vertical page rulers. It also causes the Form Manager to track the cursor's X / Y position displayed at the top of the Form Manager. Setting the "Show position" option to on uses more system resources, and may slow down the system.