Typical MP Configuration Example 177
[Router]local-user router-c password simple router-c
bSpecify the virtual interface templates for the two users and begin PPP
negotiation for the NCP information using this template
[Router]ppp mp user router-b bind virtual-template 1
[Router]ppp mp user router-c bind virtual-template 2
cConfigure virtual interface template
[Router]interface virtual-template 1
[Router-Virtual-Template1]ip address
[Router]interface virtual-template 2
[Router-Virtual-Template2]ip address
dAdd the interfaces serial2:1, serial2:2, serial2:3 and serial2:4 into MP channel.
Here, take serial2:1 as an example, and other interfaces are configured
[Router]interface serial 2:1
[Router-Serial2:1]link-protocol ppp
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp mp
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp authentication-mode pap
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp pap local-user router-a password simple
2Configure router-b:
aAdd a user for router-a
[Router]local-user router-a password simple router-a
bSpecify the virtual interface template for this user and begin PPP negotiation
for the NCP information using this template
[Router]ppp mp user router-a bind virtual-template 1
cConfigure working parameters of the virtual interface template
[Router]interface virtual-template 1
[Router-Virtual-Template1]ip address
dAdd the interfaces serial2:1 and serial2:2 into MP channel. Here, take serial2:1
as an example, and configure other interfaces similarly
[Router]interface serial2: 1
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp mp
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp authentication-mode pap
[Router-Serial2:1]ppp pap local-user router-b password simple
3Configure router-c:
aAdd a user for router-a
[Router]local-user router-a password simple router-a
bSpecify the virtual interface template for this user and begin PPP negotiation
for the NCP information using this template
[Router]ppp mp user router-a bind virtual-template 1
cConfigure working parameters of the virtual interface template
[Router]interface virtual-template 1
[Router-Virtual-Template1]ip address 255.255. 255.0
dAdd the interfaces serial2:1 and serial2:2 into MP channel. Here, take serial2: 1
as an example, and other interfaces are configured similarly.