Using the Command Line Interface
The following example shows how to upload the configuration settings to a file on the TFTP server:
Outdoor 11a Building to Building #copy config tftp
TFTP Source file name:syscfg
TFTP Server IP:
Outdoor 11a Building to Building #
The following example shows how to download a configuration file:
Outdoor 11a Building to Building #copy tftp file
1.Application image
2.Config file
3.Boot block image
Select the type of download<1,2,3>: [1]:2
TFTP Source file name:syscfg
TFTP Server IP:
Outdoor 11a Building to Building #
This command deletes a file or image.
delete <filename>
filename - Name of the configuration file or image name.
Default Setting
Command Mode
NOTE: Beware of deleting application images from flash memory. At least one application image is required in order to boot the access point. If there are multiple image files in flash memory, and the one used to boot the access point is deleted, be sure you first use the bootfile command to update the application image file booted at startup before you reboot the access point.