Using the Oscilloscope
The Scope Marker Menu
When you select Less Than, the oscilloscope runs until the Tx-To time
interval is less than the value entered for the Less Than time field.
When the condition is met, the oscilloscope stops making acquisitions
and displays the message "Stop condition satisfied."
Greater Than field. When you select this field from the pop-up, a
time value field appears next to the Run Until Time X-O Greater Than
field. The time value field default value is 0 s. When you select the time
value field, you can enter the time in the same manner as for the Less
Than field.
When you select Greater Than, the oscilloscope runs until the Tx-To
time interval is greater than the value entered for the Greater Than
time field. When the condition is met, the oscilloscope stops making
acquisitions and displays the message "Stop condition satisfied."
In Range field. When you select this field from the pop-up, two time
value fields appear next to the Run Until Time X-O In Range field. You
need to enter the time range values for the stop condition in these two
time fields. Select each time value field, in turn, and enter the time
value in the same manner as for the Less Than field.
When you select In Range, the oscilloscope runs until the Tx-To time
interval is in the range of the time values entered for the In Range time
fields. When the condition is met, the oscilloscope stops making
acquisitions and displays the message "Stop condition satisfied."
Not In Range field. When you select this field from the pop-up, two
time value fields appear next to the Run Until Time X-O Not In Range
field. You need to enter the time range values for the stop condition in
these two time fields. Select each time value field, in turn, and enter
the time values in the same manner as for the Less Than field.
When Not In Range is selected, the oscilloscope runs until the Tx-To
time interval is not in the range of the time values entered for the Not
In Range time fields. When the condition is met, the oscilloscope stops
acquisitions and displays the message "Stop condition satisfied."