Logic Analyzer Reference
The Analyzer Configuration Menu
The Analyzer Configuration MenuType fie ld
The Type field lets you configure the logic analyzer with either an
internal clock (Timing mode) or an external clock (State and SPA).
When the Type field is selected, the following choices are available.
Timin g. When Timing is selected, the analyzer uses its own internal
clock to clock measurement data into the acquisition memory. This
clock is asynchronous to the signals in the target system. Fields
relating to external clocks such as the Analyzer Format menu’s Master
Clock do not appear and certain menus such as Compare are not
The analyzer can only be configured with one timing analyzer. If two
are selected, the first will be turned off.
State. When State is selected, the analyzer uses a clock from the
system under test to clock measurement data into acquisition memory.
This clock is synchronous to the signals in the target system.
State Compare. When State Compare is selected, the Compare menu
is available in the main menu selection. For more details on Compare,
see “The Compare Menu.” State Compare mode functions much like
State mode, except that total memory is reduced.
SPA. SPA stands for System Performance Analysis. It uses an external
clock like a state analyzer but measures overall system performance
rather than recording discrete activity. For more details on SPA, see
page 350.