Logic Analyzer Reference
The Analyzer Trigger Menu
Modify Trigger fieldThe Modify Trigger field allows you to modify the statements of any
single sequence level as well as perform other high-level actions like
global clearing of existing trigger statements, and adding or deleting
sequence levels. Break Down Functions/Restore Functions acts a bit
differently than the others.
Break Down Functions / Restore Functions
When a predefined function is broken down, the contents of that
function are displayed in the same long form used in the User function.
If the function uses multiple internal levels, all levels are separated out
and displayed in the sequence levels of the Trigger menu. Once the
functions in your trigger specification are broken down, Break Down
Functions changes to Restore Functions. Use Restore Functions to
restore all functions to their original structure.
When the function is in a broken-down form, you can change the
structure. However, when the functions are restored, all changes are
lost and any branching that is part of the original structure is restored.
Use Break Down Functions if you want to view a particular function
part in its long form to see the exact sequence flow. Breaking down
functions can also help in creating a custom trigger specification.
When a function is broken down, you have all the assignment fields and
branching options available as though they were a set of User