System Performance Analysis (SPA) Software
System Performance Analysis Software
State Histogram
The State Histogram mode displays states that occur within user-
defined ranges of a label. State Histogram is available on any label
defined in the Format Specification.
The maximum number of ranges is 11.
Other States included/excluded is available and displays a histogram of all
states not covered by the user-defined ranges.
You can trace All States or patterned Qualified States.
Total samples displays the total number of occurrences in all displayed
The choice of base for specified label is user-definable.
Time Interval
The Time Interval mode displays time intervals between user-defined
start and end events.
Start and end events can be defined over all labels defined in the Format
10 ns is the minimum sample period and time interval resolution.
The maximum number of time interval ranges is 8.
The time interval range size is 10 ns to 9,999,999 seconds.
Calculated statistics provides Maximum t ime, Minimum time, Average
time, and Total number of time intervals sampled (one time interval
defined to be a paired start/end event).
The auto-range feature automatically scales the eight time intervals over
maximum and minimum times using a logarithmic scale or linear scale.
Choice of base for labels is user-definable.