Logic Analyzer Reference
The RS-232-C, GPIB, and Centronics Interfaces
The RS-232-C, GPIB, and Centronics InterfacesThis section describes the default setup, controller and printer
interfaces and their configurations found in the System External I/O
menu. It defines the GPIB interface and describes how to select a
different GPIB address. It also defines the RS-232-C interface and tells
you how to select a baud rate, how to change the stop bits, how to set
the parity and data bits, and how to change the flow control protocol.
The Centronics (parallel) interface (for printers only) and LAN
interface (controller only) are also described.
Default Setup
Default Setup resets the logic analyzer to all the default settings. This
gives you the same result as when you re-power the logic analyzer.
Controller interface
The logic analyzer is equipped with standard RS-232-C, GPIB, and
Ethernet LAN interfaces that allow you to connect to a controller. All of
the interfaces give you remote access for running measurements and
uploading and downloading configurations and data.
Printer interface
The logic analyzer can output its screen to various GPIB, RS-232-C,
and Centronics graphics printers. Configured menus, as well as
waveforms and other data, can be printed for complete measurement
documentation. The analyzer cannot use a networked or shared
See Also "Connecting Peripherals" on page 36 for more details on physically
connecting equipment.
Agilent Technologies 1670G-Series Logic Analyzers Programmer’s
Guide for more information on the controller interface.
The LAN section of this book on page 476 more information on the
LAN interface.