new, 535
Min and Max scaling fields, 341
mixed display
state and timing, 131
Mixed Display menu, 338
Modify Trigger field, 313
Module field, 595
module status, 517
control user, 486
data user, 486
error message, 486
in UNIX, 486
mounting and unmounting, 486
using, 498
MS Windows
error messages from ping, 547
File Manager, 494
intermittent response from ping,
mount, 487, 494
no response from ping, 547
ping, 485
error messages, 544
error messages from ping, 544
hostname, 544
intermittent response from ping,
mount, 487, 493
no response from ping, 545
normal response from ping, 544
ping, 485, 544
unknown host, 544
multiple OMF files, 596
multiple symbol files, 596
configuring the logic analyzer,
482, 484
connecting, 481
mounting, 486
statistics, 553
network addresses
accessing, 482
configuring, 482
no heartbeat, 554
no more mounts available, 557
no response from ping
in MS-DOS, 545
in workstations, 543
filename endings
, 390
normal response from ping
in MS-DOS, 544
in workstations, 542
numbers, 608
occurrence counters, 321
odd-numbered addresses, 605
adding to address values, 598
all sections, 599
code section, 599
trigger term, 606
Offset All Sections option, 599
Offset option of browser menu, 606
example, 606
Offset This Section option, 599
OMF File field, 594
Refresh field, 594
using, 582
OMF Load field
using, 582
OMF symbol files
creating, 580
currently loaded, 589
deleting, 590
versions, 596
OMF Symbol Table
browser menu, 600
browser menu, accessing, 577
load menu, accessing, 573
OMF Symbol Table menus, 592
OMF symbols
browsing, 577, 602
loading into logic analyzer, 573,
symbol type, 601
operating environment, 452, 455
operation timed out, 559
Operation Timeout, 539
operator’s service, 453
Accumulate mode, 161
automatic measurement
algorithms, 191
automatic measurements
display, 189
automatic time markers, 179
Autoscale, 154
Autoscale run, 152
Auto-Trig field, 171
Average mode, 160
calibrating, 147
channel label field, 187
Channel Menu, 157
Connect Dots field, 162
Count field, 170, 175
Coupling field, 158
coupling field selections, 158
Delay field, 156
Display Marker Values, 163
Display Options field, 163
Display Sample Period, 163
Displaying the waveform, 155
edge trigger mode, 165
Grid field, 162
immediate trigger mode, 166
manual time markers, 176
manual/automatic time markers,
Mode field, 160
Mode/Arm menu, 164