Oscilloscope Common Menus 152
Run/Stop options 152
Autoscale 154
Time base 156
The Scope Channel Menu 157
Offset field 157
Probe field 158
Coupling field 158
Preset field 159
The Scope Display Menu 160
Mode field 160
Connect Dots field 162
Grid field 162
Display Options field 163
The Scope Trigger Menu 164
Trigger marker 164
Mode/Arm menu 164
Level field 167
Source field 169
Slope field 169
Count field 170
Auto-Trig field 171
When field 172
Count field 175
The Scope Marker Menu 176
Manual time markers options 176
Automatic time markers options 179
Manual/Automatic Time Markers option 184
Voltage Markers options 185
Channel Label field 187