Using the Pattern Generator
ASCII File Commands
No data is allowed in the same line as the VECTor command. The line
termination in the VECTor command line is included in the character
count for the file.
The <char_count> field is not required as part of the VECTor command
when creating a disk file, and will be ignored if included.
Example VECTor #800010457
Vector DataThe data portion of the ASCII file is basically an array of hexadecimal
data fields. Each row of the array corresponds to a single line of the
main program. Each column of the array corresponds to a single label
as defined on the format menu.
Data fields are separated by one or more blank characters. A line
termination (carriage return or carriage return + line feed) signals the
end of a line and the start of a new line. If a data field has more data
than the label width would indicate, only the least significant bits of the
data field are used. If there are more data fields in a row than there are
labels, the extra data fields (last data fields in the row) are ignored. If
there are fewer data fields in a row than there are labels, the data for
the extra (right-most) labels will be zero.
Data lines consisting of only line termination characters are ignored.
The MAIN SEQUENCE must have at least two data lines. In the ASCII
data file, a row consisting of only ’*M’ is used to signal the start of the
main sequence. If there is to be no data in the init sequence, the first
row of the file after the VECTor command must be ’*M’. Note that the
quotes in ’*M’ are not really in the file. The line termination after the
’*M’ (as well as the ’*M’) must be included in the character count for a
file loaded using a remote bus.