System Performance Analysis (SPA) Software
System Performance Analysis Software
Qualified State Histogram and Time Interval modes use all of the labels
in the Format Specification to define either the qualified state or the
start and stop events, respectively. While State Overview and State
Histogram deal with recorded states, Time Interval deals with time.
NOTE: Changing from one label to another in State Overview or State Histogram
mode or changing the Start or End pattern in Time Interval erases any
configuration and data for the original label. When returning to the original
label, the display returns to its default mode. Loss of configurations and data
when changing between labels can be prevented by saving configurations of
interest to the disk before making the change, or by printing the resu lts.
State Overview modeState Overview mode is an X-versus-Y chart of the activity on a
specified label. It provides a global view of the distribution of activity of
the target system signals grouped under the specified label.
X axis scaling. The X axis represents the defined range of the
specified label and is divided into a series of buckets, or smaller ranges.
The range of the X axis is defined by the Low value and High value
fields, and is divided equally among 256 buckets. For example, if the
range defined by the low and high values is 1100, then 1100 divided by
256 equals 4.29. This value will be rounded up to 5, each bucket will
have a range of 5, and only 220 buckets will be used (1100/5 = 220).
The display grid will be truncated on the right because only 220
buckets are displayed.
If the full range of the label or the portion of the label defined by the
Low value and High value is less than 255, then the number of buckets
will be the difference between the Low and High values.
The Low and High values can be specified as discrete values in Binary,
Octal, Decimal, or Hexadecimal. If Symbols have been defined in the
Format Specification, they can also be used for the low and high values.