Logic Analyzer Reference
Display Color Selection
Display Color Selection
The color selection feature allows you to customize display colors,
which improves contrast and lessens eye fatigue caused by your
operating environment. If you are color-blind to certain colors, are
operating in a difficult light environment, or dont like the default
colors, you can quickly and easily change them.
The colors used by an X Window are always the default colors, and
cannot be changed.

The Color Model: Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity

The 1670G-series logic analyzers use the HSL color model (Hue,
Saturation, and Luminosity). This model is very effective for interactive
color selection. Similar in concept to the method used by artists for
mixing paints, pure hues are selected, and then white and black are
mixed to dilute the color or darken it.
Hue is the pure color. 0 is red, 33 green, and 67 blue. The selection ranges
from 0 to 100.
Saturation is the ratio of the pure color mixed with white (0 to 100%).
Luminosity is the brightness per unit area (0 to 100%).
The figure on the next page shows a cylindrical representation of the
HSL model (Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity). Hue is the angular
coordinate, Saturation is the radial coordinate, and Luminosity is the
altitude above the polar coordinate plane.
The cylinder rests on a black plane (Luminosity = 0%) and extends
upward. As you increase in altitude, you increase luminosity, which
represents an increase in brightness. Whenever luminosity is zero, the
values of saturation and hue do not matter. Zero luminosity is black,
and 100% luminosity gives you the pure color.