Logic Analyzer Reference
The Analyzer Trigger Menu
Using the Occurrence CountersOccurs field. When "Occurs" is selected, the < and > duration
functions change to an occurrence counter. Use the occurrence
counter to delay sequence evaluation until the resource term has
occurred a designated number of times. If the "else on" branch
becomes true before all specified occurrences of the primary "Trigger
on" branch, the secondary "else on" branch is taken.
Using the timerTimers are like other resource terms in that they are either true or
false. Timers can be set to Start, Stop, Pause, or Continue as the
analyzer enters a sequence level. The two timers are global, so each
sequence level can control the same timer. The default timer condition
in all sequence levels is Off.
Timers start as you enter the sequence level, and when the timer count
expires, the timer becomes true. If a timer is paused in one level, it
must be continued in another level before it can count through.
As more sequence levels are added, the timer status in the new levels
defaults to Off. Timers must be continued or started in each new level
as appropriate. When a timer expires or stops, its count resets to zero.
BranchingIf either the less than or greater than duration is used, only the primary
branch is available. Otherwise, each sequence level except for the last
has two-way branching.
If the primary branch is taken, the analyzer goes to the next level. If the
primary branch is not found, the analyzer immediately evaluates the
"Else on" secondary branching term.