Symbol Utility Features and Functions
The OMF Symbol Browser Menu
Symbol Mode FieldThe OMF symbols can be viewed in one of two formats:
•as global and local symbols, or
•as source file names with line numbers
Select the large field at the bottom of the display to toggle between the
two modes. Symbols appear in the trace listing in the format that is
selected here.
When the "View Globals and Locals" mode is selected, the browse
results are displayed as symbolic names. When the "View Files and Line
Numbers" mode is selected, the browse results display lists source file
names from the OMF file. In the "View Files and Line Numbers" mode,
two additional fields appear in the OMF Symbol Browser menu.
The Scroll Files Field
Select this field to assign the knob to scroll the Browse Results listing.
Line Number Field
The Line Number field is used to select a line number of a source file as
a trigger term. Select the field once and it can be used to scroll through
the line numbers of valid, existing lines of code. Select the field a
second time and a keypad pop-up allows you to specify a particular line
Not all lines in a source file have code associated with them. When you
type in a line number that contains no code, the field defaults to the
next highest line number that does contain code. If you select a line
number higher than any line number in the file, the field defaults to the
highest line number in the file.