Using the Logic Analyzer
Accessing the Menus
Mixed Display always appears in the menu list when an analyzer is set to
State or Timing, but it requires a State analyzer with time tags enabled.
Waveform is available when an analyzer is set to State or Timing. Use
Waveform to view the data as logic levels on discrete lines.
Chart is available only when an analyz er is set to State. Use Chart to view
your measurement as a graph of states vers us time.
SPA is available only when an analyzer is set to SPA. Use SPA to gather and
view overall statistics about your system performance.
See Also "Logic Analyzer Reference" on page 243 for details on the State and
Timing menus and "System Performance Analysis (SPA) Software" on
page 349 for information on the SPA menu.
"Using the Analyzer Menus" in this chapter for how to use the menus.