Using the Pattern Generator
Building Test Vectors and Functions
Function 0 (current function field)Touching this field brings up a list of functions that have been created
and are available to insert into the Sequence menu. If you want to edit
or view a previously built function, select that function from the list
and it will appear in the main part of the display.
Add/Delete FunctionSelecting this field brings up a pop-up menu that lets you choose
between adding a new function or deleting one. If you select Add
Function, a new blank function appears in the display with a new
Function "n" name.
To rename the new function, select the function name field, and in the
pop-up menu that appears, type in a new name. You can also add
parameters to the new function in the same pop-up menu. For more
information on parameters, refer to "Using Parameters" below.
If you select Delete Function, you will be presented with a list of
current functions. Select the function you want to delete from the list.
If the function you delete is being used in the MAIN sequence, it will be
removed from the sequence. If you try to delete the first function, it
will be removed from the MAIN sequence but not from the function list.
Using ParametersParameters are used to pass values into functions. A major benefit in
passing parameters is that you keep a function’s functionality generic
and still direct specific action identified by parameters. Think of
parameters as the only part of a function that changes as the function
is reused. You create the function and add parameters to the function
in the User Macro menu. You then insert the function and assign
parameter values in the Sequence menu. As you reuse the function in
other places in the sequence, simply change parameter values to the
new specific values.
Function parameters are passed as 32-bit values. If fewer than 32 bits
are assigned to a label in the Format menu, the most significant bits of
the parameter value are truncated when the parameter is used as data
for the given label.