Troubleshooting the LAN Connection
Troubleshooting the Initial Connection
Status Bits (continued)
Status Bits
Bit 6 The TRANS (Transceiver, such as Ethernet transceiver) bit
indicates whether the circuitry between the L AN IC and the LAN
cable is functioning. If this bit is not set, then the path between the
LAN cable and the LAN IC is operating properly. If this bit is set,
then either the CPU board or the I/O board must be replaced.
Bit 7 Timeout bit. If the Timeout bit is set, then bits 4, 5, or 6 will also be
set. Refer to the appropriate bit for a suggested course of action.
Bit 8 The Tx bit indicates whether the transmission portion of the MAC,
ENDEC, or TRANS test failed. Therefore, the Tx bit is use d in
conjunction with bits 4, 5, and 6. Refer to the appropriate bit for the
suggested course of action.
Bit 9 The Rx bit indicates whether the receive portion of the MAC,
ENDEC, or TRANS test failed. The Rx bit is used in conjunction with
bits 4, 5, and 6. Refer to the appropriate bit for the suggested
course of action.
Bit 10 The Parameters bit indicates the integrity of the LAN module self-
test parameters. If this bit is not set, then the parameters sent to
the self-test routine are correct. I f this bit is set, then contact y our
nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office.
Bit 11 The EPROM that is used to hold the Ethernet address, IP address,
and gateway address has been corrupted. If this bit is set, the LAN
board must be replaced.
Bits 12-15 Not Used