Logic Analyzer Reference
The Analyzer Trigger Menu
Count field (State only)The Count field accesses a selection menu which indicates whether
acquisition data is stamped with a Time tag or a State Count tag.
Time and State tags
If you have all pod pairs assigned, the state acquisition memory is
reduced by half when time or state tags are turned on. You can
maintain full memory depth if you leave a specified pod pair
States. States places numbered tags on all data relative to the trigger.
Pre-trigger data has negative numbers and post-trigger data has
positive. In the display menus, State numbering is either relative to the
previous memory location or absolute from the trigger point. You can
set it in the display menus by toggling the Absolute/Relative field.
Time. Count time places time tags on all displayed data. Data stored
before triggering has negative time numbers and data stored after
triggering has positive time numbers. Time tag numbering is set to be
either relative to the previous memory location or absolute from the
trigger point. Selecting the Absolute or Relative option is done by
toggling the Absolute/Relative field. Time tag resolution is 8 ns.
To retain full memory using time or state tags. To retain full
memory depth when using time or state tags requires that one pod pair
be unassigned. The exact pair to unassign varies. Generally, it is best to
unassign one of the middle pod pairs. If you have two analyzers
configured, the ends must be assigned to different analyzers.