System Performance Analysis (SPA) Software
System Performance Analysis Software
Time Interval modeTime Interval mode shows distribution of the execution time of a single
event. The event is defined by specifying Start and End conditions as
patterns across all labels defined in the Format Specification.
Data sampling and sorting. When you press Run, the analyzer
samples the target system using the definitions entered in the Format
Specification. During acquisition, the state analyzer searches the data
for the start and end conditions, and uses the analyzer’s time tag
feature to time the event. The time durations for each Start/End pair
are then sorted into user-definable time interval ranges on the display.
The acquisition is repeated until Stop is pressed or until a display
variable is changed.
Because time tags are not available in the half-channel mode as
specified in the Format menu, time interval mode will not function
when half-channel mode is selected.
After the data is sampled, timed, and sorted, the histogram for each
time interval range is updated.
If two time intervals are adjacent and have a common boundary (the
upper limit of one equals the lower limit of the next), and a sampled
time interval falls on the common boundary, the sample will be sorted
into the higher time interval.
Start/End conditions. Start and end conditions for Time Interval are
specified on all labels defined in the Format Specification as a
combination of values, in the current base, and don’t cares.
If a start or end condition is not found during an acquisition, the
histogram will not change. The analyzer will only update when a start
and stop event are both found.