System Performance Analysis (SPA) Software
System Performance Analysis Software
Using symbols for ranges. In the Format menu, you can define
symbols for any available label. The symbols can be defined as Pattern
Symbols or Range Symbols. For complete information on defining and
using symbols, see "Symbols field" on page 308.
If you set the base field in the State Histogram display to Symbol, you
can use any defined range or pattern symbol to set the lower and upper
values of the ranges.
Tracing All States vs. Qualified States. You can qualify the data
sampled and sorted in the State Histogram by selecting the Trace Type
field and setting it to Qualified States. This creates a new field at the
top of the display called "Specify States."
Select Specify States and you will see a pop-up that contains a pattern
field for every label defined in the Format Specification. Use the
pattern fields to define the data qualification.
For example, in the State Histogram you may want to monitor the
address bus of a microprocessor system to examine memory activity.
But, you may want to monitor only writes to memory. In the Specify
States pop-up, you can tell the analyzer to sample only memory writes
by entering under the STATUS label the bit pattern or symbol that
corresponds to memory writes.
SPA State Histogram Menu