Logic Analyzer Concepts
The Trigger Sequence
Analyzer resourcesThe sequence-advance, sequence-else, storage, and trigger-on
specifications are set by a combination of a maximum of 10 pattern
terms, 2 range terms, 2 timers, and 2 edge terms (for th e timing
analyzer only). A resource can only be assigned to one analyzer at a
10 pattern terms. The pattern terms, a through j, represent single
states to be found on labeled sets of bits. For example, you could have
an address on the address bits or a status on the status bits, or both the
address and status occurring together. Pattern terms AND conditions
occurring on separate labels.
2 timers. You can start, stop, continue, or pause the timers upon entry
to a sequence state, then use a comparison of current timer value
against a preset value to determine whether to branch to another state.
2 range terms. The range terms, Range1 and Range2, represent
ranges of values to be found on labeled sets of bits. For example, you
could have a range of addresses to be found on the address bus or a
range of data values to be found on the data bus. Range terms are
satisfied by any value within the range for "In_Range," and any value
outside the range for "Out_Range."
2 edge terms (timing analyzer only). The edge terms, Edge1 and
Edge2, represent edges. The edge terms can be set to catch glitches
even when the timing analyzer is not in glitch mode. When an edge
term comprises more than one channel, it ORs the channel conditions
together and any of the specified transitions satisfy the term.