Logic Analyzer Reference
The RS-232-C, GPIB, and Centronics Interfaces
Data Bits
Data Bits are the number of bits used to represent the binary code of a
character. The 1670G-series logic analyzers, with the pattern
generator, support 8-bit binary code.
Protocol governs the flow of data between the instrument and the
external device. It can be controlled either by the hardware, in which
case you select None in the RS-232-C Settings pop-up, or by the
software, in which case you select Xon/Xoff. Xon/Xoff stands for
Transmit On/Transmit Off.
With less than a 5-wire interface, selecting None does not allow the
sending or receiving device to control how fast the data is being sent,
increasing the possibility of missing data. With a full 5-wire interface,
selecting None allows a hardware handshake to occur. With a hardware
handshake, hardware signals control data flow. The HP 13242G cable
allows the logic analyzer to support hardware handshake.
The Centronics interfaceThe Centronics interface is an industry-standard parallel printer
interface. It can only be used as a printer interface, and is not available
to the controller. There are no Centronics-specific settings; page and
line length are set in the Printer Settings menu.
See Also "Connecting Peripherals" on page 36 for more information on setting
up the parallel printer port.