Chapter 5 — Measurements
5-1 Introduction
This chapter provides procedures on how to make several common spectrum analyzer measurements. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of spectrum analyzer measurements and that the MS278XB front panel and menu structure is familiar to you. Refer to Chapter 3 — for a description of the instrument’s front panel operation and to Chapter 4 — for a description of the instrument’s menus and their structure. Once you are familiar with the instrument, you should be able to easily follow the procedures found in the following sections of this chapter:
•Basic Measurement Setups on page
•Measurement Examples on page
•RF Measurements on page
•Modulation Measurements on page
5-2 Basic Measurement Setups
This section describes the basic manual operation of the signal analyzer. In the following procedures, the receiver is tuned over a swept range of frequencies and the power is computed at each of the displayed data points. The range of frequencies, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, trace processing, reference power level, scale factor (dB/division), and type of signal detection must all be selected to determine a valid setup for the measurement. Alternately, many of these parameters may be auto coupled to enable a valid measurement. The most common steps to achieve this are illustrated throughout the procedures in this chapter.
The procedures in this section assume that the analyzer will not be equipped with an external keyboard and mouse, and that you will be using the touch screen and front panel keys. The same operations may be performed in a similar fashion by making use of an external keyboard and mouse. The following measurement setups are illustrated in this section:
•Setting the Center Frequency
•Setting the Frequency Span
•Setting the Start and Stop Frequencies
•Setting the Reference Level
•Setting the Input Attenuation
•Setting the Scale/Div
•Setting the Resolution Bandwidth
•Setting the Video Bandwidth
•Setting the Sweep Time
•Setting the Bandwidth Coupling Modes
•Setting Markers
•Setting Trace Modes
•Configuring the Triggering
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