MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Index-14 Freescale Semiconductor
M–M Index
interface signals , 11-52
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 11-63
OE timing, 11-58
overview, 11-51
programmable wait state configuration, 11-58
PSDVAL, 11-58
read access extended hold time, 11-59
relaxed timing, 11-56
SRAM configura tion, 11-52
strobe signal behavior, 11-53
terminating external accesses, 11-61
timing configuration, 11-53
write enable deassertion timing, 11-54
GPLn timing exampl e, 11-69
implementation differ ences between machines , 11-6
machine selection, 11-5
MAR in 60x-compatible mode, 11-77
new features supported, 11-1
overview, 11-1
page hit checking, 11-7
parity byte select (PBSE), 11-10
parity checking, 11-8
parity generation, 11-8
programming model, 11-12
PSDVAL, 11-11, 11-58
register descriptions, 11-12
SDRAM machine (synchronous DRAM machine)
address multiplexing, 11-37
bank interleaving, 11-37
BSMA bit, 11-37
commands, JEDEC-standard, 11-35
common features, 11-5
configuration example, 11-48
implementation differences with UPMs and GPCM, 1 1- 6
JEDEC-standard commands, 11-35
MODE-SET command timing, 11-47
overview, 11-33
page mode support, 11-36
activate-to-read/write interval, 11-39
column address to first data out, 11-40
last data in to precharge, 11-41
last data out to precharge, 11-41
overview, 11-38
precharge-to-activate in t er v al , 11- 3 9
refresh recovery interval (RFRC), 11-42
pipeline accesses, 11- 3 6
power-on initialization, 11-35
read/write transactions supported, 11-46
refresh, 11-47
SDAM bit, 11-37
supported configurations, 11-35
TEA generation, 11-8
UPMs (user-programmable machines)
access times, handling devices, 11-101
address control bits, 11-77
address multiplexing, 11-77
clock timing, 11-67
common features, 11-5
data sample control, 11-77
data valid, 11-77
differences between MPC8xx and MPC8260, 11-80
DRAM configuration example, 11-79
EDO interface exam ple, 11-92
exception requests, 11-67
hierarchical bus interface example, 11-101
implementation differen ces with SDRAM mach ine and
GPCM, 11-6
loop control, 11-76
memory access requests, 11-66
memory system interface example, 11-81
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 11-80
overview, 11-63
programming the UPM, 11-67
RAM array, 11-69
RAM word, 11-70
refresh timer requests, 11-66
register settings, 11-80
requests, 11-64
signal negation, 11-78
signals, 11-63
software requests, 11-67
UPWAIT signal, 11-78
wait mechanism, 11-78
Memory management unit
overview, 2-7
Memory management unit overview, 2-25
memory map
BRGs,, 3-16
clocks and reset keys,, 3-4
PIP,, 3-12
Memory maps
cross-reference guide, 3-1
quick reference guide, 3-1
serial communications contro llers (SCCs)
HDLC mode, 22-3
serial management controllers (SMCs)
GCI mode, 27-31
transparent mode, 27-6
UART mode, 27-6
Microcode revision number, 14-12
60x bus mode
60x-compatible bus mode, 8-3