Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 38-9
with LEN=7 (data size=8), the foll ow in g data is selected:
msb ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv lsb
the data string is sele cted:
msb ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv lsb
with REV=0, the string transmitt ed , a by te at a time with lsb first is:
first nmlk_jihg__vuts_rqpo last

with REV=1, the string is byte reversed and transmitted, a byte at a time, with lsb

first: first ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv last

Example 3

with LEN=0xC (data size =13), the following data is selected:
msb ghij_klmn__xxxr_stuv lsb
the data string selecte d is:
msb r_stuv__ghij_klmn lsb
with REV=0, the string transmitt ed , a by te at a time with lsb first is:
first nmlk_jihg__vuts_r last
with REV=1, the string is half-word reversed:
msb nmlk_jihg__vuts_r lsb
and transmitted a byte at a time with ls b fir st :
first r_stuv_ghij_klmn last
38.4.2 SPI Event/Mask Registers (SPIE/SPIM)

The SPI event register (SPIE) generates interrupts and reports events recognized by the SPI. When an

event is recognized, the SPI sets the corresponding SPIE bit. Clear SPIE bits by writing a 1—writing 0 has

no effect. Setting a bit in the SPI mask register (SPIM) enables and clearing a bit masks the c orresponding

interrupt. Unmasked SPIE bits must be cleared before the CP clears internal interrupt requests. Figure38-7

shows both registers.

Table38-3 describes the SPIE/SPIM fields.

Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x0x11AA6 (SPIE); 0x0x11AAA (SPIM)

Figure 38-7. SPIE/SPIM—SPI Event/Mask Registers

Table38-3. SPIE/SPIM Field Descriptions

Bits Name Description
0–1 Reserved, should be cleared.
2 MME Multimaster error. Set when SPISEL is asserted externally while the SPI is in master mode.
3 TXE Tx error. Set when an error occurs during transmission.
4 Reserved, should be cleared.
5 BSY Busy. Set after the first character is received but discarded because no Rx buffer is available.