MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 6-1
Chapter 6 External Signals
This chapter describes the external signals. A more detailed description of 60x bus signals is provided in
Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus.”

6.1 Functional Pinout

Figure 6-1 shows PowerQUICC II signals grouped by function. Note that many signals are multiplexed
and this figure does not indicate how these signals are multiplexed.
A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active low—for
example, BB (bus busy). Active-low signals are referred to as asserted
(active) when they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are
not active low, such as TSIZ[0–1] (transfer size signals) are referred to as
asserted when they are high and negated when they are low.