MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
21-4 Freescale Semiconductor
Table21-1. UART-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x30 DWord Reserved
0x38 MAX_IDL Hword Maximum idle characters. When a character is received, the receiver begins
counting idle characters. If MAX_IDL idle characters are received before the next
data character, an idle timeout occurs and the buffer is closed, generating a
maskable interrupt request to the core to receive the data from the buffer. Thus,
MAX_IDL offers a way to demarcate frames. To disable the feature, clear
MAX_IDL. The bit length of an idle character is calculated as follows: 1 + data
length (5–9) + 1 (if parity is used) + number of stop bits (1–2). For 8 data bits, no
parity, and 1 stop bit, the character length is 10 bits.
0x3A IDLC Hword Temporary idle counter. Holds the current idle count for the idle timeout process.
IDLC is a down-counter and does not need to be initialized or accessed.
0x3C BRKCR Hword Break count register (transmit). Determines the number of break characters the
transmitter sends. The transmitter sends a break character sequence when a
STOP TRANSMIT command is issued. For 8 data bits, no parity, 1stop bit, and
1 start bit, each break character consists of 10 zero bits.
0x3E PAREC Hword User-initialized,16-bit (modulo–216) counters incremented by the CP.
PAREC counts received parity errors.
FRMEC counts received characters with framing errors.
NOSEC counts received characters with noise errors.
BRKEC counts break conditions on the signal. A break condition can last for
hundreds of bit times, yet BRKEC is incremented only once during that period.
0x40 FRMEC Hword
0x42 NOSEC Hword
0x44 BRKEC Hword
0x46 BRKLN Hword Last received break length. Holds the length of the last received break character
sequence measured in character units. For example, if RXD
is low for 20 bit
times and the defined character length is 10 bits, BRKLN = 0x002, indicating that
the break sequence is at least 2 characters long. BRKLN is accurate to within
one character length.
0x48 UADDR1 Hword UART address character 1/2. In multidrop mode, the receiver provides automatic
address recognition for two addresses. In this case, program the lower order
bytes of UADDR1 and UADDR2 with the two preferred addresses.
0x4A UADDR2 Hword
0x4C RTEMP Hword Temp storage
0x4E TOSEQ Hword Transmit out-of-sequence character. Inserts out-of-sequence characters, such
as XOFF and XON, into the transmit stream. The TOSEQ character is put in the
Tx FIFO without affecting a Tx buffer in progress. See Section21.11, “Inserting
Control Characters into the Transmit Data Stream.”
0x50 CHARACTER1 Hword Control character 1–8. These characters define the Rx control characters on
which interrupts can be generated.
0x52 CHARACTER2 Hword
0x54 CHARACTER3 Hword
0x56 CHARACTER4 Hword
0x58 CHARACTER5 Hword