PCI Bridge
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 9-41

Figure 9-28. PCI Error Control Capture Register (PCI_ECCR)

Table9-15 describes PCI_ECCR fields.
31 30 28 27 24 23 22 21 20 19 16
Field — FET BN — TS ES
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x108A2
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 2 1 0
Field CMD — BE — PB VI
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x108A0

Table9-15. PCI_ECCR Field Descriptions

Bits Name Description
31 — Reserved, should be cleared.
30–28 First error type Type of first PCI error captured. This field is the bit index of the error type in
Table9-10. For example, a value of 0b101 indicates a PCI SERR received
condition while a value of 0b010 indicates a PCI read data parity error.
27–24 Beat number 32-bit data beat number for data parity error (data parity error only)
0000 1
0001 2
0111 8
1000 overflow (transaction larger than one cache line)
23–22 — Reserved, should be cleared.
21–20 Transaction size This is the size of the transaction in doublewords (4 bytes) (the PCI bridge as
master only)
00 4 do ublewords
01 1 do ubleword
10 2 do ublewords
11 3 do ublewords
19–16 Error source The source of the PCI transaction
0000 External master
0001 60x master
0101 DMA
All others are reserved.
15–12 Command PCI command
11–8 — Reserved, should be cleared.
7–4 Byte enables PCI byte enables.
3–2 — Reserved, should be cleared.