SCC Ethernet Mode
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2
25-14 Freescale Semiconductor

Table25-5 describes reception errors.

25.17 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR)

In Ethernet mode, the protocol-specific mode register (PSMR), shown in Figure25-5, is used as the

Ethernet mode register.

Table25-6 describes PSMR fields.

Late collision When this error occurs, the channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets SCCE[TXE] and
the LC bit in the TxBD. The channel resumes transmission after it receives the RESTART
TRANSMIT command. This error is discussed further in the definition of PSMR[LCW].
Heartbeat Some transceivers have a heartbeat (signal-quality error) self-test. To signify a good self-test,
the transceiver indicates a collision to the PowerQUICCII within 20 clocks after the Ethernet
controller sends a frame. This heartbeat condition does not imply a collision error, but that the
transceiver seems to be functioning properly. If SCCE[HBC] = 1 and the PowerQUICCII does not
detect a heartbeat condition after sending a frame, a heartbeat error occurs; the channel
closes the buffer, sets the HB bit in the TxBD, and generates the TXE interrupt if it is enabled.

Table25 -5. Reception Errors

Error Description
Overrun The Ethernet controller maintains an internal FIFO for receiving data. When it overruns, the channel
writes the received byte over the previously received byte. The previous byte and frame status are lost.
The channel closes the buffer, sets RxBD[OV] and SCCE[RXF], and increments the discarded frame
counter (DISFC). The receiver then enters hunt mode.
Busy A frame was received and discarded because of a lack of buffers. The channel sets SCCE[BSY] and
increments DISFC. The receiver then enters hunt mode.
The Ethernet controller handles up to seven dribbling bits when the receive frame terminates nonoctet
aligned. It checks the CRC of the frame on the last octet boundary. If there is a CRC error, a frame
nonoctet aligned error is reported, SCCE[RXF] is set, and the alignment error counter is incremented. If
there is no CRC error, no error is reported. The receiver then enters hunt mode.
CRC When a CRC error occurs, the channel closes the buffer, sets SCCE[RXF] and CR in the RxBD, and
increments the CRC error counter (CRCEC). After receiving a frame with a CRC error, the receiver
enters hunt mode. CRC checking cannot be disabled, but CRC errors can be ignored if checking is not
0123456789101112 1415
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x0x11A08 (PSMR1); 0x0x11A28 (PSMR2); 0x0x11A48 (PSMR3); 0x0x11A68 (PSMR4)

Figure 25-5. Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR )

Table25-4. Transmission Errors (continued)

Error Description