5 |
10.The next screen prompts for the input serial data port. Press A and then press SPACE to toggle to COM2. Press ENTER to accept the displayed selection. Then press N to continue.
Serial Configuration Wizard Menu
Please choose which serial port on the remote radio(s)
that all of the data should be sent through.
A) Remote Port | Com 2 |
B) Continue Wizard
Select a letter to configure an item, <ESC> for prev menu, ‘Q’ to quit wizard
The next screen prompts for the baud rate and byte format.
Press A to set the Data Baud Rate. Press SPACE to cycle through the baud rate options until “19200” is displayed. Press ENTER to accept the Data Baud Rate.
Press B to set the Data Byte Format. Press SPACE to cycle through the byte format options until “8N1” is displayed. Press ENTER to accept the Data Byte Format. Then press N to continue.
Serial Configuration Wizard Menu
Please choose appropriate baud rate and byte format
to be used while sending all of the serial data.
A) Data Baud Rate | 19200 |
B) Data Byte Format | 8N1 |
B) Continue Wizard |
Select a letter to configure an item, <ESC> for prev menu, ‘Q’ to quit wizard