5 |
12.The next screen prompts for the Port Status. Press A to select Port Status. Press SPACE to toggle between “enabled” and “disabled”. Press ENTER when “enabled” is displayed. Then press N to continue.
Serial Configuration Wizard Menu
Please choose whether or not you would like to enable this serial port for data communication.
A) Port Status | enabled |
B) Continue Wizard
Select a letter to configure an item, <ESC> for prev menu, ‘Q’ to quit wizard
13.The final screen displays all the previous settings for your review. The settings should be:
•COM2 Port Status: Enabled
•COM2 Mode: Serial to Serial
•COM2 Remote Unit ID: broadcast
•COM2 Remote COM Port: COM2
•COM2 Baud Rate: 19200
•COM2 Byte Format: 8N1
•COM2 Buffer Size: 256 Bytes
•COM2 Inter Packet Delay: 4 Character lines
Serial Configuration Wizard Menu
A) Com 2 Port Status | enabled |
B) Com 2 Mode | Serial to Serial |
C) Com 2 Remote Unit ID | broadcast |
D) Com 2 Remote COM Port | Com 2 |
E) Com 2 Baud Rate | 19200 |
F) Com 2 Byte Format | 8N1 |
G) Com 2 Buffer Size | 256 Bytes |
H) Com 2 | 4 Character Times |
X) Commit Changes and Exit Wizard |
Select a letter to configure an item, <ESC> for prev menu, ‘Q’ to quit wizard
| Chapter 5 Sample Configurations |