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Console Terminal (recommended for first-time log-in)
To configure the AP via a console terminal:
1.Connect a PC to the COM1 port on the radio.
2.Establish a terminal session (using HyperTerminal, for example) using the following data parameters:
•19200 bps
•8 bits
•no parity
•one stop bit (8N1)
•hardware flow control disabled
•VT100 emulation
The exact parameters given above must be used for console terminal communication. Improper settings are a common cause of difficulty.
Telnet Connection Using the AP LAN Port (a valid IP address must be set)
To configure the AP via its LAN port:
1.Connect a PC Ethernet port to the AP with an Ethernet crossover cable.
NOTE: The radio must first have a valid IP address
2.Log in to the AP as follows:
a.Press the ENTER key to receive the login prompt. The COM1/LAN LED flashes to indicate data communications.
b.At the login prompt, enter the username (admin is the default username). Press ENTER .
c.At the Password prompt, enter the password (admin is the default password). Press ENTER . Upon successful
3.Review the current menu settings and make any necessary changes. Refer to Set Key AP Parameters for configuration guidance.
4.Repeat Steps
You can save time by using configuration scripts to uniformly configure multiple transceivers. This technique is discussed in the section Configuration Scripts Menu.
Chapter 2 Tabletop Setup and Evaluation |