Updates device eeprom based on <file>; Only MAC address will be preserved
Programs PXE firmware from file
Produces a log file with only error information
Shows PCI DID, VID, SDID, and SVID of present devices
o Programs ASF firmware
o <file> is a text file that contains ASF bin file names
o Sets PXE speed
o Value = 0 for auto; Value = 1 for 10HD; Value = 2 for 10FD; Value = 3 for 100HD; Value = 4 for 100FD; Value = 6 for 1000FD (fiber)
o Sets device host loopback mode o spd = 10/100/1000
o dflt = 1000
o Sets Tx and Rx pkts packets o dflt Tx pkts = 1e6
o spd = 10/100/1000
o Runs D3 loopback test at <spd> o spd = t/h/g => 10/100/1000
Runs D4 loopback test with 200*m200 packets
Runs D4 loopback test and displays packets at end
Runs D4loopback test and displays packet count
Runs D4 loopback test. Fail after errors greater than <lim>.
Runs D4 loopback test. Packet Data Alternating F 0.
o <x> = 0 dis GRC rst. <x>!=0, post rst dly in ms