see a message referring to this value with the "$." The user must remember to enter the "$" character as part of the parameter's value.
o Syntax: SPEED=[Auto 10 100]
o Example: SPEED=10
o Default:
o Normal Behavior: If either 10 or 100 is specified, a message indicates that
o Possible Errors:
If the SPEED parameter is set to an invalid value, the parameter is ignored and the default value is used, and a message indicates a "Parameter value out of range" error.
If the FORCEDUPLEX parameter is assigned a valid
If the duplex is forced,
o Syntax: FORCEDUPLEX=[Auto 1 2]
o Example: FORCEDUPLEX=1
o Default: Duplex mode configuration detected during PHY initialization.
o Normal Behavior: The parameter value of 1 will force the duplex mode to
The SPEED parameter must be specified and must be valid if either half or
oPossible Errors:
If the FORCEDUPLEX parameter is set to an invalid value, the parameter is ignored and the default value is used, and a message indicates a "Parameter value out of range" error.
If the FORCEDUPLEX mode does not match the actual mode of the port in use, the driver will function for certain levels of traffic and then begin to lose frames.
If the port in use is FULL duplex but it is not capable of performing an
oSyntax: PHYADDRESS=[0..32]
oExample: PHYADDRESS=1
oDefault: 1, implying logical PHY 1 at address 1.
oAn address of 0 implies logical PHY 0. PHY 0 can only be at address 0.
PHY 1 can have addresses in the range 1 - 31.
PHY address 32 can be used to indicate the presence of an 82503 interface.