Parameter | Options | Description |
TXPacketsPer | Default = 64 | Enables the use of batching transmits to a |
| Min = 0, disabled | specific amount of packets. |
| |
| Max = 100 |
NOTE: With Jumbo Frames, the first frame must be Ethernet_ii.
Post installation
After NetWare 6.x has been successfully installed, set the minimum packet receive buffers parameter in the startup.ncf file to 1500 for each adapter in the system. Set the maximum packet receive buffers to three times the minimum packet receive buffers. Typically one MB of RAM is required per 1000 receive buffers. For more information, refer to the "Configuring Driver Parameters" section.
In the autoexec.ncf file, delete the packet receive buffers parameter (RxBuffers=32) in the load statement for this adapter. Deleting the receive buffers phrase from the load statement resets the receive buffers parameter to the default value of 200 for this adapter.
NOTE: You must reboot the server for the new configuration.
The default maximum number of receive buffers for the system is 500; the default minimum is 128. Edit the startup.ncf file to have the following entries. The actual numbers will be a function of the number of adapters in the system.
•set maximum packet receive buffers = 30000
•set minimum packet receive buffers = 10000
•set maximum physical receive packet size = 2048
Verifying or modifying adapter properties
When an adapter configuration is saved, the NetWare install program adds load and bind statements to the autoexec.ncf file. By accessing this file, you can verify the parameters configured for each adapter, modify them, or enter additional parameters.
NOTE: The Novell monitor program and the CONFIG command are also useful for verifying driver configuration. For information on how to use these programs, refer to the utilities reference in your Novell NetWare online documentation.
The parameters that can be defined in the load statements are described in NetWare server driver LOAD line parameters for HP server adapters below. A valid autoexec.ncf file is shown below. One set of load and bind commands is added for each frame type the adapter is configured to support.
Valid Autoexec.ncf file
Set Time Zone = PST8PDT
set Daylight Savings Time Offset = 1
set Start Of Daylight Savings Time = (APRIL SUNDAY FIRST 2:00:00 AM) set End Of Daylight Savings Time = (OCTOBER SUNDAY LAST 2:00:00 AM) set Default Time Server Type = SINGLE
set Bindery Context = O=LAN