41.No external memory detected
42.DMA buffer %04X is large, size must be less than %04X
43.File size %d is too big, max is %d
44.Invalid %s
45.Failed writing 0x%x to 0x%x
50.Cannot perform task while chip is not running. (need driver)
51.Cannot open register define file or content is bad
52.ASF Reset bit did not
53.ATTN_LOC %d cannot be mapped to %cX CPU event bit %d
54.%s Register is not cleared to zero after reset
55.Cannot start Register Timer
56.poll_ASF bit did not get reset after acknowledged
57.Timestamp Counter is not counting
58.%s Timer is not working
59.Cannot clear bit %s in %cX CPU event register
60.Invalid "EEPROM_FILENAME" file size, expected %d but only can read %d bytes
61.Invalid magic value in %s, expected %08x but found %08x
62.Invalid manufacture revision, expected %c but found %c
63.Invalid Boot Code revision, expected %d.%d but found %d.%d
64.Cannot write to EEPROM
65.Cannot read from EEPROM
66.Invalid Checksum
67.Invalid Magic Value
68.Invalid MAC address, expected
69.Slot error, expected an UUT to be found at location %02X:%02X:00
70.Adjacent memory has been corrupted while testing block
*1 Internal Use. Program will not generate this error.
HP NC-Series Broadcom Multifunction adapter diagnostics