oDescription: Sets a certain mode. Use after binding to base drivers with Team=nnn.
oSyntax: delay=nnn
oDescription: Delays the commit in nnn seconds
oDescription: Displays Help
oExample: CPQANS
oSyntax: join_individuals=[yes no]
oDescription: Joins all individual links to one aggregator
oSyntax: Reset LBN=nnn
oExample: cpqans reset lbn=nnn
oDescription: Resets the logical board number (LBN) of a bound adapter. Supported only after commit command. Default value = 0
oSyntax: max_tx_queue=nnn
oDescription: Sets the Max number of TX ECBs queued for send
oSyntax: mode=[NFT ALB FEC GEC 802.3AD]
oSyntax: name=[any unique name]
oDescription: Sets a unique name
oSyntax: primary secondary
oDescription: Identifies the primary adapter. Supported only in BIND command
oSyntax: probe_burst_size=nnn
oDescription: Changes number of probes to send in a retry
oSyntax: probe_check_interval=nnn
oDescription: Changes probes check interval
oSyntax: probe_recheck_interval=nnn
oDescription: Changes probe retries check interval