Command line | Description |
argument |
/S[ILENT] | Supresses console messages. If this argument is omitted |
| from the command line, console messages are |
| displayed. |
/F[ORCE] | Specifies whether an installation will be forced, |
| regardless of the server adapter firmware version that is |
| detected on the target server. The argument changes the |
| Smart Component installation in the following ways: |
| • If the server adapter firmware on the target server is |
| current, the firmware reinstalls itself, and the installed |
| version number remains the same. |
| • If a newer version of the server adapter firmware is |
| already installed on the target server, the component |
| installs itself and downgrades the server adapter |
| firmware to the older version number. |
| If this argument is omitted from the command line, the |
| installation is not forced. |
/R[EBOOT] | Specifies whether the target server will reboot if the |
| Smart Component requests a reboot. If this argument is |
| omitted from the command line and the Smart |
| Component requests a reboot, the server must be |
| rebooted manually for the server adapter firmware |
| upgrade to take effect. The Windows server adapter |
| upgrade component will NOT request a reboot. |
/H[ELP] | Displays command line Help information. |
/? | Displays command line Help information. This argument |
| is identical to the /H[ELP] argument. |
Command Line Examples
The following are examples of how to use the CPXXXXXX.exe command.
Command line | Result |
input |
CPXXXXXX | Deploys the CPXXXXXX.EXE Smart Component on the |
| target server using the defaults of the component. |
CPXXXXXX /F | Deploys the CPXXXXXX.EXE Smart Component on the |
| target server, forcing the installation of the server |
| adapter firmware. |
CPXXXXXX /S | Deploys the CPXXXXXX.EXE Smart Component on the |
| target server using the defaults of the component. All |
| console messages are suppressed. |
CPXXXXXX /S /F | Deploys the CPXXXXXX.EXE Smart Component on the |
/R | target server, forcing the installation of the server |
| adapter firmware and allowing the server to reboot |
| automatically. All console messages are suppressed. |