ELAN (Emulated Local Area Network). A LAN segment implemented with IBM Technology.
ESI (End System Identifier). A - byte component of an ATM address.
FC LANE (Forum Compliant LAN Emulation). ATM Forum compliance rules.
FPGA (Field Programmable field array). Module on
which logic functions can be programmed.
IBUS (Intelligent Broadcast Unknown Server). A LAN Emulation optimization designed to limit the scope of unknown unicast frames sent to the BUS
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol). A
protocol for communicating control information over
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers). An organization involved in establishing
Local Area Network standards.
IETF (Internet Engineering task force). An
organization that product Internet Specifications
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI). The
standard (part of the UNI specification) for management of ATM networks. ILMI uses the SNMP protocol and a special UNI MIB to provide full information on the ATM network.
IP (Internet Protocol). A
IPX (Internet Packet exchange). A network layer protocol that is frequently used by personal computer systems.
ISO (International Standard Organization). An
organization that specifies International Communication Standards
isochronous. Literally ªin the same timeº. An isochronous bit stream is one that goes at a constant rate. The term isochronous is often used colloquially to mean ªdigitally encoded voiceº. The term is not often used in the world of data communications but is a common term in the voice communications and engineering context.
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JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group). A Standard body defining image compression methods.
LANE or LE (LAN emulation). The service provided by an ATM network to allow it to emulate a conventional LAN. Permits existing LAN based applications to communicate over ATM without any change being required.
LEC (LAN Emulation Client). A LAN emulation component that represent users of the emulated LAN.
LECS (LAN Emulation Configuration Server). A LAN emulation service component the centralize and disseminates configuration data as LES address.
LES (LAN Emulation Server). A LAN emulation service component that resolves LAN destinations to ATM addresses.
LIS (Logical IP Subnet). An IP subnet implemented with ATM technology.
LLC (Logical Link Control). The top sublayer of the Data Link layer, which is layer 2 of the ISO model.
MAC (Medium Access Control). The bottom sublayer of the data link layer, which is layer 2 of the ISO model.
MIB (Management Information Base). A network management base supporting the monitoring and control of network elements.
MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group). A Standard body defining compression techniques for motion pictures such as
MSS (Multiprotocol Switched Services). A component of IBM′ s Switched Virtual Networking (SVN) framework.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). The maximum amount of user data that can be transmitted as a single unit (frame) on a communication link.
multicast. Operation where a message is sent simultaneously to a number of stations. Similar to broadcast, in principle, but usually only to a subset of the total number of stations on a network.