This soft copy for use by IBM employees only. Device (8285 PSM)
The device view shown in Figure 54 allows you to display the physical graphic view (PSM) of the IBM 8285 and to manage the device and related parameters.
Figure 54. IBM 8285 Device View
The view above shows three menu items. The Tool entry is not used. The next screens are organized with the same main bullets as used by the PSM, and are presented as follows:
This allows you to modify/update the TCP/IP and SNMP general parameters used by the IBM 8285 device to communicate with the SNMP managers.
This allows you to perform the actual IBM 8285 device management. The following
This option allows you to perform IBM 8285 device configuration, such as IP configuration, microcode download, module configuration, and so on.
This option allows you to set up traps to be sent to SNMP managers when a fault situation occurs.
Chapter 8. IBM 8285 Management 163