This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
There is a
−Subnet Mask
The mask used to allocate the IP address bits. Must match the mask used by the default gateway.
−Default Gateway
Specify the address to forward packets to to reach other IP networks when communicating with an IP device beyond the IP network. In the LANE network, the default gateway should be an IP router on the same ELAN of the IP device or on a legacy LAN via a LANE bridge on the same ELAN.
−Individual MAC Address
Specify the individual MAC address of the LEC. The address format should be canonical for Ethernet ELAN and
−Associated LES or LECS ATM address
Specify the ATM address of the LES with which to register or the LECS which knows the ATM address of a designated LES. The LES will be used for resolving ELAN MAC addresses in to ATM addresses.
To get the designated LES ATM address, the following options are offered:
-Use a
If you don′t have the LECS on the ELAN, you have to specify the LES ATM address in each LEC definition.
When the 8285 LEC is attached to this type of ELAN, the SET DEVICE LAN_EMULATION_CLIENT command with the parameter
NO_LECS_WITH_LES followed by the LES ATM address is used to
-Use a
If you have the LECS on the ELAN but don′t want to use dynamic address resolution, you can specify the LECS ATM address on each LEC definition.
When the 8285 LEC is attached to this type of ELAN, the SET DEVICE LAN_EMULATION_CLIENT command with the parameter
NO_LES_WITH_LECS followed by the LECS ATM address is used to
-Use a dynamic LECS ATM address