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4.9 LAN Switching Modules
The following section is included as a preview of module support that might become available in 1997.
The 8285 is capable of supporting the following LAN switching modules:
-8272 LAN Switch ATM Backplane Upgrade1
-8272 LAN Switch ATM Backplane Upgrade2
-8271 LAN Switch ATM Backplane Upgrade3
-8271 LAN Switch ATM Backplane Upgrade4
1Becomes functionally identical to
2Becomes functionally identical to
3Becomes functionally identical to
4Becomes functionally identical to
4.9.1 Description
The LAN switch modules that could be supported by the 8285 provide existing LAN users
Direct ATM backplane connectivity allows segments of LAN users to be interconnected to other LANs users segment via LAN switching or
These modules feature the following:
•Common Features:
−Support half- or